Irene Antonia Diane Reece

Irene Antonia Diane Reece identifies as a contemporary artist and visual activist. Born and raised in Houston, TX she earned her BFA in Photography and MFA in Photography and Image- making.

Reece's work has been exhibited internationally, including recent exhibitions at the 5th Biennale Internationale de Casablanca.

Her work has been featured in The New York Times, ARTnews and Lenscratch.

Reece is a 2021 recipient of the Black Rock Senegal Residency in Dakar, Senegal.

I Look Out For. Mine c.2019 - forever growing

This photographic series focuses on the hidden voices of my communities, memory, and showing my representation of what Texas and the South represent to me. I called the series I Look Out for Mine because the moral and community teachings I was taught were to take care of the community. The photographs represent people, objects and places that I care about or that are slowly disappearing. I grew up in the city of Houston, but with two parents from the country. I grew to love both of those aspects of life and felt that needed to be represented more. This photographic series is portraits and abstract portraits of my communities that created my existence. I am wanting to showcase the serendipity of my beloved South.