Turiya Adkins

Turiya Adkins was born and raised in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn. She received her BA from Dartmouth College in 2020. Adkins then went on to work as a teaching assistant for the Studio Art department at Dartmouth. In June of 2021, Adkins relocated back to Brooklyn where she is developing her practice with ferocity.

Currently, I am working on a series about running and track and field. I looking to alter the way others consider the poetic significance of Black people running. My practice circulates around questions such as, What are the implications of the Black body running? How does the participation of Black Americans in 50’s and 60’s track and field influence understanding of the idealized American identity? And, How does the history of Jim Crow and the Fugitive Slave Act affect our understanding of Black dominance in track and field? My work is also my attempt at representing the complicated but unwavering relationship that I see between Black people running and the Great Migration. As such, I am working on tracing both my roots and routes